Using Social Media to Find a Job: 9 Tips

Written By: Christine Bernier Lienke, FlexJobs Senior Researcher and Writer

Social media can be used for much more than interacting socially with friends and relatives. However, you may be surprised to learn that social media can also be used as an effective job search and career networking tool. In fact, 92% of recruiters use social media for recruiting, according to one study.

Another interesting stat is that 73% of millennials found their last position through a social media site, proving this can be a worthwhile and smart approach. We’ve compiled a list of tips for using social media to find a job, which could be useful at any stage in your career.

Follow these nine tips for using social media to find a job:

1. Write down your plan.

Just like writing a business plan, consider formulating your plan and goals for finding a new job and then putting it in writing. Writing down your goals can be a good way to hone your focus so your search is conducted most effectively.

2. Scrub your social networks.

Using a critical eye, review each of your social networks and delete any posts that are too personal, too political, or too silly. Keep anything that’s professional and add new posts that show that you’re an upstanding community member who participates in civic engagement and who promotes professional ideals. Consider deleting social media accounts that are unnecessary or that you’re not currently active in.

3. Present a professional image.

Review the photos on your Facebook profile or other social media accounts and remove any that show you in a comprising position, such as drinking alcohol or partying. Also, consider updating all profile photos to ones that project a professional image. Consider asking a photographer friend to take shots of you in professional attire in a clean environment to use as your social media profile photo.

4. Be authentic.

Use your real name on your social media accounts instead of nicknames, especially when you’re looking for a new career. Review each social network profile description or bio and revise anything that doesn’t present your most polished image.

5. Become a subject matter expert.

Start posting and re-posting items that are relevant to your career or area of expertise. Cross post these items to each social media account, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Using a service like Hootsuite or Buffer can allow you to schedule and post to multiple sites at the same time using the same message, which saves time. Write well-researched, succinct posts to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Also, follow relevant career-oriented sites to stay engaged with the latest information in your field and consider re-posting articles or data that aligns with your career.

6. Become more engaged.

Become a more active participant in the social media realm. Not every post has to be career-related, but while you’re searching for a new job you should remain active and keep your posts neutral. Consider posting once or twice a week to keep each social media account active.

7. Network with other professionals and sites.

Connect with experts in your field on social media and find chapters or groups where you can gain membership. These affiliations will show potential employers that you’re serious about your career, which could help you to be considered a good candidate for an open position.

For example, use LinkedIn Groups to search potential groups that match your skills and request to join. If you’re an editor seeking employment, request to join “Publishing and Editing Professionals” to forge professional relationships.

8. Engage in job search pages and sites.

Once your social media accounts are scrubbed and career-focused, now is the time to engage with job search and recruiting sites. Build relationships in your field and connect with career-specific recruiting pages to look for potential job postings. Don’t forget to link to or follow specific company sites where you may find a job in your field. Using social media to find a job can be one of your most effective tools.

9. Create a landing page and combine all social networks there.

Once you’ve taken the steps above, consider creating a website or landing page to consolidate all social media accounts so you can direct potential employers or recruiters to this one-stop page.

Social Media can be an excellent tool to use to help you find your dream job. It can help you find opportunities that you may not have found through other job searching tools. That being said, always be aware of what you are putting out on your social media channels, your job might just be dependent on it. 

For more tips on finding a job through social media, contact NEXTAFF today! 

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