Critical Skills For First Time Manager

Moving to a leadership position is an exciting time. But as a first-time manager, you probably have questions about how to succeed. There are some critical skills you’ll need to excel in your new role. The good news is – you probably already have them. Here are the essential management skills for beginners just starting as first-time managers.

Five Skills Managers Need To Develop


Planning and preparation are the cornerstones of productivity. As a manager, you’re in charge of all the high-level planning, ensuring every task is done to your satisfaction. Of course, the plan’s specific details will vary depending on the task at hand, but you’ll need to hone those skills to ensure that things don’t fall through the cracks.


Organization is as much about physical space as it is about time management. In a management role, you’ll set the standard for both. You will need to organize teams to ensure you have the right people doing the right jobs. You’ll have to manage the workspace for optimal efficiency. And you’ll have to plan your calendar to ensure everything is done on time every time.


Every good manager knows that what they do day to day wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of their team. Bad managers sometimes get caught up in the idea that they have it do it themselves to have something done right. But that’s not how things are done effectively in business. You want to delegate tasks based on the skills and abilities of your team, so you’re utilizing your talent effectively.


Good managers also empower their team to be excited about their work. It’s the opposite of micromanagement, where you oversee every tiny detail by breathing down the necks of your employees. Empowerment gives them ownership of their work. You trust that they can accomplish the task because they are qualified to do it.

Decision Making

In your management role, you’ll also need to make decisions. They can be large-scale decisions or small-scale ones, but decisions are a vital part of your job. You will need to engage active listening skills, self-awareness, and critical thinking to help you make essential decisions for various factors throughout your career.

Do you want to bring on a great team? Contact Nextaff to see how we can help.

As a premier Workforce Strategies Provider, NEXTAFF allows employers to remain flexible. By offering a complete range of employment services, we help your company – no matter where you are in your business evolution – raise productivity through improved strategy, quality, efficiency and cost control across your workforce. With NEXTAFF, you can concentrate on your core business activities while being able to adapt quickly to changing workforce requirements.

Hire quality talent with NEXTAFF’s proprietary X-FACTOR recruiting method. Contact us today to learn how.

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Meet Shane...

Shane’s journey with Nextaff began in 2019, when he established a successful franchise in the Kansas City metro area. His experience as a Nextaff franchise owner provides prospective buyers with a completely transparent view of the Nextaff Franchise Opportunity. Prior to his time at Nextaff, Shane led large sales teams in the Financial Services and Medical Device industries, further developing his expertise in leadership and business management.

Do you play sports?

Basketball! I was fortunate enough to play college basketball all 4 years and in 2013 we won the NCAA DII National Championship.

What do you love most about your current role?

Getting to know prospective franchise buyers. I love hearing about their goals and dreams they want to achieve through entrepreneurship.

What is your favorite color?

Orange! Yes, it is one of Nextaff’s main colors but it was my favorite before coming to Nextaff. In the franchising world, I’m known as “Orange pants guy”.

Meet Cary...

When it comes to operating a staffing firm, Cary has worn every hat.  From recruiting, to sales, to management, to ownership, he has been involved in every aspect of running a successful staffing business.  He has successfully led three separate companies to the Inc. 500 and Inc. 5000 lists, which puts him in an elite class of staffing entrepreneurship.  Combining that experience with a strong passion for entrepreneurs makes Cary an ideal leader for driving the Nextaff vision. 

Describe yourself in three words.

Loyal, Driven, Creative

Is there a mantra or affirmation you live by?

Do what you said you were going to do.

Do you have a celebrity doppelganger?

Back in the day, it was John Cusak.  “I want my two dollars!”