Okay, now that 2020 is over it’s time to refocus on the future. We know it was a difficult year with high unemployment, but now it’s time to look forward to the new year with hope and optimism. If you have found yourself out of work, use the energy of the season to take back your career and accelerate it to the furthest. Here are some ideas to help you restart your job search.
Access Your Network
Between jobs is always a good time to reach back out to your network and make sure you’re connecting. Without the option of going to events, a lot of people are relying heavily on social media and online networking. If you’re not already on Linked In, join the service. If you are, make sure your profile is up to date and people know you’re looking for a new job.
Develop a Routine
Finding a job is about perseverance and most job seekers find it very helpful to give themselves a job search routine. You’ve probably heard the expert advice that you need to treat finding a job like a job itself. Wake up as normal and get ready as if you were going to your job. Spend the morning researching jobs and complete applications. In the afternoon, follow up with your connections.
Address Your Employment Gap
If you have been out of work due to the pandemic, you’re not alone. Especially today, companies will understand if there’s an employment gap on your resume. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean you shouldn’t frame it. When you do talk to an employer and they ask why you’ve been out of work, be honest but also talk about the things you used that time to accomplish. It will demonstrate that you are eager to stay busy and productive.
Find Support
You don’t have to do this alone. There are several levels of support you can tap into right now. First, there are other job seekers in exactly you’re position. People who found themselves out of work because of circumstances beyond their control. You can also reach out to professionals to help you parse out the experience on an emotional level.
Talk to a Recruiter
There is one more professional worth talking to. Working with a staffing agency can open up opportunities for you. Recruiters place both short term and long-term positions. Some positions turn into full-time roles within the client company. Even accepting temporary work can get you over the hump and help you move forward in your job search while bringing in an income.
Are you looking for a new job in 2021?