A basic hiring process typically includes four steps: 1) Post job. 2) Review resumes. 3) Interview candidates. 4) Hire.
Unfortunately, employers sometimes find themselves adding a fifth step: Regret the decision.
The traditional hiring process focuses on a candidate’s skill and experience. Resumes are written to emphasize the skill/experience focus. Interview questions are also designed to assess skills and experience.
While skills and experience are important hiring factors, they do not reveal who the candidate is as a person. Personality, integrity, and cognitive ability are much better indicators of quality performance than are education and employment history.
Ineffective hiring practices impact an organization’s bottom line. Recruiting and training employees costs money. The time needed to replace an employee reduces overall productivity. Even if a less-than-satisfactory employee stays with your organization, coaching, correcting, and retraining drain resources and morale.
The art and science of hiring is evolving and hiring professionals are making use of new, more reliable techniques to hire quality talent. Using X-FACTOR, a proprietary process, will result in better hires and fewer regrets.
How does the X-FACTOR avoid regrettable decisions? Using a scientific approach, X-FACTOR matches candidate personality to company culture resulting in a high-quality, long-lasting placement.
When an employee is invested in an organization and brings the necessary “soft skills,” managers will see continuous improvement as the new hire “learns the ropes.” If the hiring process does not evaluate the potential for employee investment, dedication, and willingness to learn, the match–and the hire–may be neither positive nor productive.
If your organization struggles with hiring regrets and you are looking to improve your hiring process, contact Nextaff. Take the time to review our free whitepaper, Perfecting the Perfecting Hire, to learn how a more scientific approach to hiring will improve your organization’s productivity, employee morale, and bottom line.
Remember: It’s a new year. No regrets!